Risk-rated Portfolios
LondonTyne Risk-rated Cautious
Asset Allocation
Allocation correct as at 29/12/2023
Income and Accumulation
The investment objective is to generate a return from the income of the portfolio. The Strategy is designed for an investor with a time horizon of more than 3 years, and a lower tolerance for risk that regardless of market conditions would only be comfortable with a lower degree of variation or disruption to capital value or income.
Platform Availability
Risk ratings and scores correct as at December 2024.
Synaptic ratings are based on their 1-10 scale.
LondonTyne Risk-rated Balanced
The investment objective is to grow the capital value of the portfolio as well as to generate some degree of income. The Strategy is designed for an investor with a time horizon of more than 5 years, and a medium tolerance for risk that can accept moderate variation or disruption to capital value or current income in order to achieve their longer-term objective.
Platform Availability
Asset Allocation
Allocation correct as at 29/12/2023
Risk ratings and scores correct as at December 2024.
Synaptic ratings are based on their 1-10 scale.
LondonTyne Risk-rated Opportunistic
Asset Allocation
Allocation correct as at 29/12/2023
The investment objective is to grow the capital value of the portfolio. The strategy is designed for an investor with a time horizon of more than 5 years, and a higher tolerance for risk that can accept significant variation or disruption to capital value or current income in order to achieve their longer-term objective.
Platform Availability
Risk ratings and scores correct as at December 2024.
Synaptic ratings are based on their 1-10 scale.
This is intended for investment professionals and should not be relied upon by private investors or any other persons. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise, is not guaranteed and your clients may get back less than they invest.